Electrical equipment 1

switch, lead, turn on...

1. Verbs and nouns.

Match the words to the pictures.

Now listen to these words being pronounced.

2. Can you remember?

Look at the pictures again and write the correct word or words in the spaces.

3. Read.

Read this note written to two people who are going to spend a week in a friend's house. What does it describe? Choose the correct answer.

Dear Alan and Kate,

Hi. Hope you have a good time staying here. Here are the instructions that I promised I'd leave you. The first thing you need to do is turn on the water heater - it's in the cupboard under the stairs. Plug it in and then you can turn it on. The switch is in on the left. After you do this you should see the red light on the screen come on. There are also some buttons - press the one that says 'hot'. Give the water about half an hour to heat up and then you can use it. Oh, and don't use the washing machine at the same time or the water goes cold! Don't leave the heater on when you go out. Turn it off and unplug it - we don't want any accidents! See you next week.


4. Missing words.

Look at the note again. Use the vocabulary in the box below to complete the note.

Phrasal verbs

I turned off the TV and went to bed.

In this sentence turn off means to disconnect from the electricity supply.
Turn off is a separable phrasal verb: the complement, TV, can go between the verb and the particle, off. If you use a pronoun, it MUST go between the verb and the particle. Compare the examples:

I turn off the TV.            Correct
I turn the TV off.            Correct
Yes, I turned it off.        Correct
Yes, I turned off it.        Incorrect

5. Using pronouns with the verbs.

Read the first sentence, and then drag the pronoun to the correct position in the second sentence.

6. Missing words.

The text below explains how to use a computer. Use the vocabulary in the box to complete the explanation.