1. Clothes.

Look and listen.

2. Can you remember?

Choose the correct option.

3. Practise your pronunciation.

Look at the picture, say and record the word.

4. Vocabulary.

Match the words to the label.

5. In a shop.

Watch the three videos. In what order do you hear the dialogues? Choose the correct option.

SA = Shop assistant   C = Customer

Now watch the videos again and repeat the conversations.

6. Can you remember?

Choose the correct option to complete the dialogues.

Listen again to check your answers.

7. Listen and respond.

Listen to the shop assistant. After he speaks, read your lines.

1. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
  You: No, thanks. I'm just looking.
2. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
  You: Yes. Do you have this in blue?
  Shop assistant: I think so. What size are you?
  You: 38.
  Shop assistant: Just a minute. I'll check.
  You: Thanks.
3. Shop assistant: How is it?
  You: I think it's too small. Can I try a size 40?
  Shop assistant: Certainly.
  Shop assistant: How is it?
  You: OK. I'll take it.
  Shop assistant: Cash or credit card?
  You: Cash. How much is it?
  Shop assistant: That's $35.99, please.


Read aloud both parts of the dialogue.

8. This, these, it and them: singular or plural?

Look at this shirt. I like it. shirt is a singular noun
Look at these shoes. I like them. shoes is a plural noun

This and it refer to singular nouns.
These and them refer to plural nouns.


Choose the correct option to complete parts of dialogues in a shop.

9. Listen and speak.

Imagine you are in a clothes shop. Listen to the shop assistant. Choose, say and record the correct answer.