$5 15 150,000 17 2 2,015 290 4 5% 5763 660 85 A abject able Aboard about above Absolute absolutely abstract academic academically Academics accept acceptable access accessible According Account achieve achieved achievement act Acting action activates activities activity actor actors Actually acumen addressing adrift adult advances advise affection afford afloat afraid After afternoon again against age ages ago agreed agreement ahead aim aims air airline airport alarm albatross Albert alike alive All allocated allow allowing allows almost along already also altogether always am amateurs Amazing ambitious amenable amid Among amongst amount amuse amusing An analysis And Andy Angry animal animals Anne annoy another any Anyhow Anyone Anything Anyway apathetic aplomb appear appears apple applications applying appreciate approach approached appropriate approximately architect Are areas argue arguments arm around Arrival arrive Arrived Arriving art article artist artistic artwork As asked asleep aspect aspects asserts assessment associated astern astute At atonement attach attempts attend attention attract audible audience author authority avoid awake aware awash away awful BA back bad bag baggy bags balance balding band's bank barely barge barking barnacle barnacles based basic basket Be beach beaver became because Beck become bed been before beg beginnings behind beige Being belief believable believe Bend benefactor benevolent bespoke best bet betrayed better between beyond big bike bill billion bin Bingham biodiversity bit bite black bleach blew block blotch blotched blotches blotching board boat body bonding book booked books boot bored bother bothered bottled bottles bottom bough bought bound boundaries bow brain branch brand brave breadwinner break breakdown breakfast breathe brewery Brian Bring Bringing brings Broadly brochure Brought Brown brush buoyant bureaucracy burning burst bus busier business businessperson But button butts buy buzz By cake calculate calculated calculations calculator call called calm Calvin came camera Cameron Can Can't cancer candidates cannot captain car care career Careful carefully carpenter carry case cat catch caught cause causes causing caw Celsius cent cents Certainly chalk chance change changed changes changing characteristically characters charge charity Charlie charming chasing chatted chatter chattering cheap cheaper checked checkout cheek cheerfully Cheers cheese chewed child childhood children China chocolate choice choose chopping choreography chores chose cigarette circumstances city clap clapped clarify class classes clean cleaning clear clearing clearly cleverly climbing clothes colloquialism colour colours Come comes Coming communication communities company complete completely complexity composition comprehensive compulsory computer conceded concentrate concern concerned concert concerted conclusion condition conditions condone conference confident conflict conjures cons consider considered constant constantly constellations consume consumerism consumers containers content contraption control conversation convey conveys cooking coordination cope coped copies coping core correct corruption Could couldn't country country's couple course courses cousin cover crab crabs cream-coloured Creative creativity criteria cross crow crying culturally culture cultures cup curing customer customers cut Cygnus Cynthia daft dance dapple dappled dare daring date day days deadline deaf dealing dealt death debit debris debt decided decision decrease deed deep deeply defined definitely deft degradation degrees degrowth delicious demanding demands demolition demonstrates denied depends deploys Derek deserve deserved designed desire desk destination determination devour diagnose diagnosis did didn't die difference different difficult digital dimensions diminishing din dinghy dinner directs disappear disappearing disappointed discontinued discovered dishes disown distinctive distrust diverse Do Does doesn't dog doing dollars Don't done donkey's donkeys doom dorsal doses dot dotted doubt down downgrading downs downshifting downsizing downtime downturning drabs drama draw drawer dreary drenching dribble dribs drift drifting drive drives driving drizzle droll droop drop dropped drove dubbed Dubious dubs dude due dull duly During dye Each earlier early ears Earth Earth's earthy easier easily easy eat eaten economic economy Ed Educated Educating Education educational effect effects efficient efforts egg Either electric elegant element elephants Eleven else email emails Emily Emma empathise employees employs enable encouraging encrusted end endow ends engage engages enjoy enjoyable enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enough ensure entirely entrepreneur entrepreneurially entrepreneurs environment Environmentalists envy equality Ernie Essentially euphemism euros Even events Eventually Ever Every Everybody everyday everyone Everything exactly exam examined example exams exceed excellent excited Excuse exist existence expansion expect expected expenditure expensive experience experienced expert explains explanation exploration expounding extent extra extraordinarily extremely eye eyelids eyes face Facebook facilitate fact Facts Fahrenheit fail fair fake faked fall fallen falling falls family famous fantastic far Farmer fashion fast father favour faze feasible feat feel feelings feels fees feet fell felt fence fend fending feral feudal few field fields fiend fifty fifty-seven figure filled film films filtered fin finally find finding fine finger finish finished firms first firstly fit five fixed fixedly fizzle flash flaw fleck flecks flexibility flexible flight float floatable floor flotsam flow flummoxed flurry flying foldable follow following footwear For force forces forever forget form formal found foundations founder four free Freelance freighter fresh friend friends friendship from front front-end frowned frugal fruit fruitful fry full fully fumble fun fundamental funny Further gag galleries gallium gang garden garish garner gas gaudy gave gel general generation generous Gerry get gets getting gibberish gift Gill Give given glad glanced glaring gleaming glee global globalisation gloom glove go goats goes going Good goodbye goodness goods got government government's grab grain grant grasp grateful great greatest Green gregarious grew grim grip Griselda grooming ground grounds growth grub grubs grudge guess guest guests guilt guitar gushing guy habit Had hadn't hair hallway hampered hand hands handy happen happened happens happier happily hard hard-working harder Hardly harshly has hat Have haven't Having hazards He he'd He's head heading heads health heaps hear heard heartwarming heir heirs help helper helpers helpful helpings Her Here Hers herself hierarchy high highly hill Hillary him His hiss history hit hitting hold holiday home homes hooked Hooray hope hopeful hopeless horizon horns horse host hot hounded hours house housework How How's However hubbub hug huge human humble humour hundred hundreds hung hungry hurt hut hyperbole I I'd I'll I'm I've ice idea idiom If illusion image imagination imitated immediately immensely impact important impossible impressed impressing impression impressive improve In Inadvertently incidence including income increase increases increasing incredible incredibly indulge industry inevitable inevitably infinitely information inner inner-city insane insignificant insisting install instance instant instructions insurance intact intense intention interactive interest interesting interrupting into intriguing introduce invited involve irascible irate Iris Irish Is isn't issue issues It it'll It's itchy items Its itself Jack jacket Jane jargon Jason jeans Jed Jeff Jennifer's Jeremy jerk jet jetsam jeweller Jiggle job Johanna John joiner joke joking jolt journey joy judder judged Judy Julie July junk juror Just kaput keep keeping keeps Kepler kept keys kid kids kinaesthetically kind king kitsch kitten Klara knocked know knowing known knows labels lace lack land language languages laptop large largely Larry Last late latest laughing launch law lay lead leader Leading learning least leather leaves leaving led left legend legislation less library lick lies life lifting light lightness Like likeness likes liking limit line lit literacy literature litter Little live lived lives Living loaded loader loan local locations Long long-lost long-time longer Look looking Looks loose loosen lorry lose loss lost lot lots loud loved luck Lucy lugged lumber lunacy lunch lurid luthier luxury Lyra MA mad made major make makes making malaria Man manage managed Many mark market markets married marvel marvelled mass massively mat material materialistic matter matters Max Maxine May maybe mayor maze me meagre meal mean means meant measured measures mechanical media medication meet meeting Mel melting member members memorable mention mere merry-go-rounds message might Mike miles million mimed mimicked Mind mindful minefield miner minor minus minutes misleading Miss mixing modern molehills moment monetary money month months more moreover morning most mother mottle mottling mountain mountains mournful move movement moving Ms Much muchness muddy mumble music must My myself nagging Nature near nearly need needed needs negative neglected neglectful negligent negligible neighbours nerve nervous ness networks never new newly news next nice niece night nimble Nina nitty-gritty No nobody noise Nonetheless Nora Not Nothing notice novel now Nowadays nudge nudged number nurses oar objective objectives objects observed obvious Obviously occupation ocean oceans odds Of off offer offered office Often Oh OK old On One ones Oneself only onto onwards Open opinion opportunistically opportunity opt optimistically option or orbit order ore organic Organising original originals ornaments other others ought Our ours ourselves out outcome outfits output outré outside Over overboard overheads overlap overrated Owing own Pacific pages paint painting paintings pans papers parade pardon parents part part-time partnership party pass passengers passing past pastime pat patron patted pawn paws pay paying peace peered peers pencil people per perfect perfectly perform performance persistent person personal petition PhD Phew Phil philanthropist phones photos pick picnic pie piece pieces pile Pirate pirates pity place planet plankton planned plant plastic plate platforms platypus plausible play please pledging plenty plugged plumber pocket point pointed political pommel poor pop port portrays positive possibility possible post postgraduate potential pouring poverty powder pre-recorded predictable prefer premises prepared present presentation press pretty prevalent prevents previously price pricing prize problem problems proceeded process prod prodded productivity profession professionals profound program progress project projecting prone propose proprietor pros protracted prove provide public pulling punishment pursuit put question questioning quibbles quiche quick quite quote race racket rags-to-riches rain rained raise ran Randy rate rather rational rattle re-float reach read reader reading Reading's reads realised reality really realm reared reason reasons recall receipt receive recent recently reciprocate reckon reckoned reckoning reclining reconciliation records recovery recurring recycled reeds refuse refused regally regards regret rein relation relaxing relevance relief rely remaining remove removed renewed repeatedly replaced replacing reproductions request require required requires researching resembles respective resplendent responsibilities rest restaurant restless result Resulting results returns reveals review revolution Rewards rich ride ridiculous ridiculously rigging right rights ring rip rise river Roger rolled room ropes Rory Rote roughly round roundabouts rub rubbed rubbing rubbish rubble ruin ruined ruining ruins run running runs rural rushing rustle Ryan sack safe safety Said sail sales Sally Same sanded Sandra satisfaction satisfying saw say saying says scandals scanned scene scenery scheme scholarship school schoolbooks schools scratching Scratchy screen sculptures sea Sean's seas seat seaward secondly See seeing seem seemingly seems seen seesaws seize Seldom self self-analysis self-employed self-esteem sell sell-out send sensible sent separate Serena series seriously servants server service set seven seventy-five Several shade shading shag shags Shakespeare Shall shame share sharing shatter She she's sheep sheer shift shines shining ship shipping shirt shirts shocked shook shoot shoots shop shopping shops short shortfalls shortly shot Should shoulder shouldn't shouted shove show shudder sick side siege sieve sights sign signed silver Simon simpler simply since singer single sip sit site sitting situation size sizeable sized sizing sketches skilled slapped slapping sleepiness sleeping slides sliding slightly slim slowly slum smack smacking small smear smeared smears smoke smoking smudge smudging snail So sociable Social socialising soft sole solid solution Some somehow Someone something Sometimes somewhat son Soon sore sorrow sorry sort soul sound sounds soundtrack sources space spare spattered Speak speaker speakers speaking speech Spell spend spends spent spite splash splashed spoil Spoken Spot spotted spray staff stage stand standing star staring stars start started starting statement status stay steady stepped steps stern stick stigmatised still stock stories storm story straight stranger stream Street stress strewn strings stroke stroked strokes stroking stroll strong strongly struck struggling stuck student studies study Studying stuff styles stylised subtitled subtitles succeed success successful Such sudden suggest Suggesting suggestion suitcase suits sum sun Sunlight superior supply Suppose supposed supposedly sure surely Surprisingly surveyor surviving suspicion swam swap sweet Swings swish Swiss Swot Sydney syllabus sympathise system tacky take taken takes taking tale talent talk talking tap tapped tapping targets tea team tear technological technologies technology teens telescope Tell ten tend tender tends tension terms terrible terribly tertiary test than That That's The their theirs them themes themselves Then theoretical theory There there're There's These They They'd they're they've thick thin thing Things think Thinking This This'll those though thought thousand thousands three threw through Throughout thus tide tied tile time times timetable Timetables timewasters tiny tip tipping Tired To today toe toes together told tomorrow too took tools top topic topics toss total totally touch tough towed town track trade trajectory transport trash Travel travelling treatment tree trees tremble trends trial trickling tried trouble true truly trunk Try trying tug tumbling turn turned turnout turns turnstile turntable tusks TV twenties twenty two Ugh ultimate umbrella unable unconscious Under underground understand understanding underweight undoubtedly unit university unlike unnecessarily unnecessary unstoppable Until up updates upheavals upon upper ups urbanisation urgent us use used useful useless using usually utterly Valerie validation value valued vastly veg veil venture version Very view views vinyl Violet virtually virus visit voice volume voracious voters wad Wadley wake walked Wally walrus want wants wardrobe warming warrior was wash washed washing Wasn't waste wasted watch watched water Waving way ways wayward We we're We've wear wearing wears weather Web wedding week weeks weigh weightless weir Well well-known went were weren't wet whack whacked What What's whatever whatsoever wheel When Where Whether Which while whip whirled white Who who's whoever whole Wholly whose Why Wide wife wiggle Wilbur wildflowers Will willows Wilson win win-win winding windows winds wiping wisdom wish wishful With without wobble woe woman won won't wonder wonderful wondering wonders wood Woops word words wore Work worked working workplace works World worm worn worrier worries worthwhile Would Wouldn't Wow wristwatch writers wrong yacht year years yell yellow yellowish Yes Yet yield yields yoke You You'd you'll You're Your yourself zero zip ºC ºF – –273