next to / in front of / behind / opposite / between / at / in

Prepositions of place and time

Prepositions of place: next to / in front of / behind / opposite / between / at / in

Next to, in front of, behind, opposite, between, at and in can be used to describe where things are.
  • The bank is next to the post office.
  • The bank is in front of the chemist.
  • The car park is behind the supermarket.
  • The café is opposite the post office.
  • The post office is between the supermarket and the bank.
  • I am at the bus stop.
  • The car is in the car park.

1. Prepositions.

Look at the bus stop. Can you say where it is?

The bus stop is ...

2. Can you remember?

Complete the sentences from the previous exercise.

3. True or false?

Look at the picture. Are the sentences true or false?

4. Describing places.

Read the description. Choose the correct map.

I like my neighbourhood. I live in Bank Street next to the hotel. There are lots of shops and a big supermarket. There is a cinema, and next to it there is a café. There is a bank next to the hotel, and there is a post office in East Road. There are no places for children to play – there is no park, for example. When we go to the park, we catch a bus. There is a bus stop in front of my house.

5. The city centre.

Listen to the description of the city centre. Drag the places to complete the map.

Now listen again and read the transcript.

For more information about there is / there are see the Grammar Reference.

6. Can you remember?

Drag the prepositions to complete the rules.

Don't forget: We also use on in sentences like these:

  • What's on?
  • Where's the movie on?
  • The movie's on at the Rex Cinema.

7. Sentence completion.

Choose the correct prepositions (of time or place) to complete the sentences.

8. Text completion.

Now type in the correct preposition to complete the text.

For more information about prepositions of time see the Grammar Reference.