Present simple

I go / she eats

Present simple: to be and other verbs

We use the present simple to talk about:
  • factual information
  • personal information
  • habits and routines
  • likes and dislikes
  • Brisbane is in Australia.
  • Peter lives in London.
  • I get up at 7 o'clock every day.
  • Maria doesn't like jazz music.

For more information about the present simple see the Grammar Reference.

1. The present simple in context.

Read this description.

People in this age group are usually very interested in clothes. They want to look good and like to have a very different style to their parents. Some of these people prefer to wear clothes with famous brand names, and others like to improvise with cheap or second hand clothes or even tracksuits. A lot of people in this age group like wearing jeans, and so do their parents! Which do you prefer - jeans or tracksuits?

Choose the age group described in the text.

2. Sentence correction.

There are eight errors with the present simple in the sentences below. Can you correct them? Write the correct word or contraction in the box.

3. Word order.

Drag the word on the left to the correct place in the sentence.