Question intonation

What do you do? Do you work all day?...

1. Questions and answers.

Match the questions with the correct answers.

Now listen and check your answers.

2. Question types.

There are two different types of questions in the previous exercise: questions that begin with a question word – what or when, for example – and questions that have the answer yes or no.

Listen to the two types of questions again.

This time the questions are organised into two groups – the four wh questions and the four yes/no questions.

First listen to the questions that start with a question word.

Then listen to the yes/no questions.

What is different about the intonation of the two types of questions? Can you complete the rule below?

3. Listen and repeat.

Now listen again and repeat the questions.

Where do you go in the evening?
What time does the train arrive?
What do you do?
What do you have for breakfast?
Do you work all day?
Can you smoke on the flight?
Do you listen to the radio?
Does he like his job?