1. Read.

Read about a tutor. Choose the correct picture.

Your tutor

Hello. My name is Simon. I am your tutor. I am from Australia. I am 41 years old. I live in Barcelona. I have two children. Carlotta is nine and Jack is three years old. We are very happy living here. I have three brothers. They are not in Barcelona. They are in Australia. People often say to me, "Are you from Sydney?" And I say, "No, I'm not from Sydney. I'm from Toowoomba." And you? Where are you from?

2. True or false?

3. Choose a sentence.

Choose a sentence for each picture.

4. Look at the text.

Drag the verbs to the correct box.

5. The verb to be.

I am your tutor. = I'm your tutor. I am = verb to be (I'm = a contraction of I am)

I'm not from Sydney.
I'm from Toowoomba.
Where are you from?

Look at the text in exercise 1. Complete the table.

Your tutor:
Hello. My name's Simon. I'm your tutor. I'm from Australia. I'm 41 years old. I live in Barcelona. I have two children. Carlotta is nine and Jack's three years old. We are very happy living here. Barcelona is a nice city. I have three brothers. They're not in Barcelona. They are in Australia. People often say to me, "Are you from Sydney?" And I say, "No, I'm not from Sydney. I'm from Toowoomba." And you? Where are you from?


6. Make sentences.

Put the words in order to make sentences.

7. Negation.

Look at the examples:

verb to be: I am Australian. I'm not American.
other verbs: I live in Barcelona. I don't live in Toowoomba.

Make the sentences negative:

For example: I'm a teacher. I'm not a teacher.