Music idioms

face the music, play second fiddle...

1. Music idioms.

Look at the idioms in bold.

I've crashed the car. I guess it's time to tell my parents and face the music.
It's only a small cut. There's no need to make to make a song and dance about it.
Apparently his new boss is fantastic. He spent the whole of lunchtime singing her praises.
She might complain about getting old, but in actual fact she's as fit as a fiddle.
He's in his 50s and doesn't enjoy playing second fiddle to the young executives in the company.
An outdoor job in the summer is one thing, but you'll soon change your tune when it gets colder.
The police have got Joey! If he sings we could all end up behind bars.
He pretends that he's the boss, but she's the one who calls the tune.

Now match the idioms with the definitions.