Transcript for Methodology – "Using the Internet"
Teacher 1
I use the Internet a lot, both when preparing for my classes and in the classroom. We are lucky where I work because all the classrooms are connected to the Internet. There's a laptop and a projector in every room, so we can include online material in our lessons. About once a week I base a lesson on something from YouTube or a short news item. I also regularly check out a forum for teachers, which is interesting. Teachers from all over the world participate, and I get some good ideas from the discussions. There is also a materials archive, where you can download worksheets and lesson plans.
Teacher 2
I have arranged with my classes that they can send me letters by email – in English, of course – and I will read them and comment on them. It's quite a bit of work for me, but it's much easier than pen-and-paper correspondence, and anyway, not all the students take advantage of the opportunity. Actually, I find their letters quite interesting. For them it's sort of like keeping a diary. The ones who do this regularly really show a big improvement in their English.
Teacher 3
We don't have Internet access in the classrooms where I work, but we have an Internet room that the students can use. Once a term they do an Internet project – they have to search the Internet for information to complete the task. For example, last term we did a project on alternative energy resources. They had to come up with a plan for the most efficient and economical way of heating and lighting the school, including the swimming pool, and they had to do it all in English.