1. An article.
Read the first paragraph of an article about feng shui.
Making a House into a Home
This month's Home, sweet home looks at feng shui, the 3,000-year-old Chinese art of living harmoniously in our homes.
Have you ever gone into a neighbor's house and felt immediately at home? Or you walk into an office or building and feel uncomfortable, but you don't know why? You could be experiencing the effects of feng shui.
The Chinese
believe all things contain energy.
Feng shui, meaning "wind and water", is the art of organizing
buildings to use this energy positively. It can have an effect
on our homes, relationships and work, too. Use our guide to improve your home – and life!
4. Intensive reading.
Look at the diagrams below. Read each of the four sections of the text again and choose the diagram which best represents the ideas in the text.