A: Describing a process

In this group of exercises you will practise describing a process.


In Task 1 of the writing test you will be assessed on your ability to organise and present data in a coherent way. To describe a process you will need to use sequencing and linking words, as well as language associated with processes, for example, passive forms and vocabulary related to the processes and the topic. Any specialised vocabulary that is needed will be provided for you.

1. Look at the diagram.

Look at the diagram showing how chocolate is manufactured.

Now you will practise writing a description of the process. First, you will need a sentence to introduce your text. Choose the best sentence from the options below.

2. Order the sentences.

Look at the diagram again. Drag the sentences into the correct order.

This is a basic description of the process, but there is information in the diagram which needs to be added. Also, these sentences need to be linked to make the final description.

3. Complete the description.

Here is the description with the added information and beginning with the introductory sentence from exercise 1. Use the words below to complete the description.

4. Focus on verb forms.

Here is the description again. This time, type the correct form of the verbs (in brackets) to complete the text.

5. Practice.

Choose the correct option to reconstruct the text describing the process of how chocolate is manufactured.

B: Describing an object

In this group of exercises you will practise describing an object.


In Task 1 of the writing test you could be required to write a description of an object. You will need to use language of shape, size and specifications, and to organise carefully and link the information in your description.

1. Shapes and forms.

Match the words to the shapes.

2. Nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Type in the missing words to complete the table.

3. Label the picture.

Drag the words below to label the pictures.

4. Dimensions.

Look at the picture and complete the sentences by typing in the missing words or numbers.

5. Complete the description.

Look at the picture of a laptop. Use the phrases and words below to complete the description.

6. Sample question.

Look at the pictures and read the sample Task 1 question.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pictures below show stages in the development of PCs (personal computers). Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.

You are going to read a sample answer to this question. But first, what order do you think the following phrases appear in a sample answer? Remember, the answer will have a beginning, middle and end. Drag the sentences into the correct order.

7. A sample answer.

Now complete the answer to the Task 1 question in the previous exercise. Use the words and phrases to complete the text.

8. Reconstruct the text.

Choose the correct option to reconstruct the text describing the stages in the development of PCs.

9. Correcting errors.

Look at the sentences taken from the text in exercise 7. Choose the correct option to complete them.