4. Interview questions and answers

Study interview strategies and practise answering interview questions.

1. Interview tips.

Match each interviewer question to a tip on how to respond to it.

2. Interview questions.

Listen to extracts from the job interview. Put the questions in the order that they are asked.

3. Interview questions.

Choose the correct question for each answer.

4. Interview answers.

In section 2 you watched a video of the first part of this interview. Now watch more of the interview. Choose the correct option to complete the statements.

5. Interview answers.

Use the phrases to complete this part of the interview.

6. Interview answers.

Put the lines in order to complete the next part of the interview. This exercise is in two parts. Scroll down to see Part 2.

Part 1

Now complete Part 2.

Part 2

7. Watch.

Watch the last part of the interview and tick the correct information, according to what the applicant says.

8. Meaning in context.

Read the last part of the interview. Choose the correct definitions of the underlined words and phrases.

Interviewer: What would you say your strengths are?
Interviewee: Well, I see myself as quite conscientious and methodical. I enjoy challenge, and I find problem-solving extremely satisfying. I'm also very interested in current trends and developments. I think it's important to want to keep up with what's going on and the direction in which everything is moving.
Interviewer: What is your biggest weakness?
Interviewee: I think that in the past, I sometimes found it hard to make key decisions and move forward with a project. I think this was due to inexperience and a lack of confidence. I feel much more confident now about trusting my intuition, making informed decisions and moving forward with my work.
Interviewer: Can you work as part of a team?
Interviewee: Yes. In fact, now I prefer to work this way. I find it much more stimulating to work with other people. It can be much more productive and instructive, learning from the experience of others. A strong team is a great asset for any organisation.
Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Interviewee: Well, I like to take things as they come. Obviously, I'd like to widen my experience, to grow professionally, to continue learning, perhaps taking on a wider range of responsibilities, if that's possible. I'm also interested in continuing my studies, perhaps taking a further degree, though I'm not sure in what field yet.

Now watch this part of the interview and read the subtitles.

9. Adjectives.

Match the adjectives to the definitions.

10. Pronunciation.

Listen to the adjectives and put them in the correct box, according to their stress patterns. For example: challenging = Ooo (with the stress on "chall")

11. Sentence starters.

Use the phrases to complete the last part of the interview. This exercise is in two parts. Scroll down to see Part 2.

Part 1

Now complete Part 2.

Part 2

Listen and read this part of the interview.