
not / never / nobody / no one / nothing

1. Negation.

Not is a negation word.

I am not angry.

Read this part of a problem letter. Drag the negation words into the box.



We use different ways to negate in sentences.

Not (adverb) + verb

  • I am not angry.
  • We do not like these people.
  • Try not to worry about it.

Note: not ever = never

  • I never go to the cinema. = I don't ever go to the cinema.

Nobody, no one, nothing (pronouns)

  • Nobody came to the party.
  • I have nothing to say.

Note: nobody = no one

No (adjective) + noun

  • I can think of no reason for inviting him.
  • There were no people at the party.

Never (adverb) + verb

  • She never takes the rubbish out.
  • We never have problems.

Remember: In English we don't normally put two negation words in a sentence.

  • I don't want anything.
    NOT: I don't want nothing.
  • She never says anything.
    NOT: She never says nothing.
  • There weren't any people at the party.
    NOT: There weren't no people at the party.


For more information about negation see the Grammar Reference.

2. Word order.

Put the word on the left in the correct place in the sentence.

3. Negative sentences.

Choose the correct word to complete the negative sentences

4. Negative sentences.

Type one word in the box, so that the second sentence means the same as the first.