Contrasting vowel sounds (2): /e/, /i:/

Depp - Deep, Pitt - Peet...


Play and listen.


Play and listen.

1. Pronouncing names.

Listen to these names of film stars and musicians.

Are they pronounced correctly or not?

2. The same or different?

Listen to each pair of names. Decide if the names are the same or different.

3. Vowel sounds.

Drag the names to the correct box according to the sound. There is an example of each sound in each box.

4. Pronouncing names.

How do you pronounce these names?

  1. Jane Day
  2. Jean Dee
  3. Mike Dean
  4. Greg Bond
  5. Dave Sky
  6. Ray Pitt
  7. Phil Kline
  8. Don White
  9. Rick Deep
  10. Spike Wise
  11. Dave Kay
  12. Dean Wise

Now listen to check your answers.

5. Listen and write.

Listen and write what you hear. Remember to include all punctuation.