Letter to the editor: Responding to an article

1. Letter to a newspaper.

Read this letter to a newspaper and answer the questions.


I was shocked by the report in last Monday’s Post regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools. It is appalling that, in this day and age, the headmaster of a reputable secondary school like Hadfield High can advocate the use of violence to punish schoolchildren. His Victorian attitude suggests a complete ignorance of basic psychology. While it is true that bad behaviour is a problem in schools, corporal punishment is totally ineffective as a way of combatting it. It is well known that the humiliation that is experienced from a beating causes resentment and mistrust. This in turn leads to further anti-social behaviour, creating a vicious cycle of violence. The only way of breaking this cycle is through reasonable dialogue and gentle persuasion.

Once and for all, we must accept that beating children is inadmissible in a civilised society. Until we do, we can only expect further cycles of violence. So long as headmasters like Mr Moore are allowed to have their way, there is little hope for a society based on reason and mutual trust.
Shirley Burgess, Cambridge.

Choose the best answer.

2. Vocabulary.

Can you remember the words that go in these spaces?

3. Vocabulary.

Put the sets of synonyms in the correct place in the text.

4. Writing preparation.

Now complete the words in the text using words from exercise 3. The first letter(s) of each word is given.

5. Write.

Write a letter to a newspaper, similar to the one in exercise 1. In your letter, argue an opposing view that:

  • there is not enough order or discipline in schools
  • many children are disruptive and unmotivated in class
  • teachers aren't given the means to maintain order in class
  • children should be taught to respect others at home

Write 150 to 200 words. Include words or expressions from the letter in exercise 1. Check grammar, spelling and the organisation of your letter carefully.