Magazine article: Describing a city

1. Vocabulary.

Drag these words into the correct box.

2. Picture match.

Now match the words to things in the picture.

3. Picture match.

Now match the words to things in the picture.

4. Word match.

Match the words to the definitions.


5. Sydney.

Read a description of Sydney. Choose the correct title for each paragraph.

6. Paragraphs.

Here are the beginnings of sentences from the description of Sydney. Put the sentences into the correct box.

7. Missing phrases.

Complete the guide to Sydney. Put the phrases in the correct position.

8. Write.

1. Write a city guide.

Write a guide to your city, or a city in your country.

First, think of a title. For example:

SYDNEY: Waves and immigrants

Then, use the headings Introduction, History and Lifestyle

Try to use these words in your guide:

what's more
of course

Write about 150 words.