Fact file: Describing a manufacturing process

1. About tea.

Read the encyclopaedia entry and choose the best title for each paragraph.

2. Meaning in context.

What do the underlined words mean? Choose the correct definitions.

The story of tea

What is it?
Tea is made from the leaves of the tea plant. This plant is grown in tropical and subtropical climates around the world. The leaves are dried, and then they are added to hot water to make tea.

The history
Tea originated in Southeast Asia and from there it was taken to many other countries. There are many legends about the origins of tea. Perhaps the most famous one is the Chinese story of the emperor Shen Nung. He was boiling some water when leaves from a tea plant fell into it. He drank the water and liked the taste.

Tea facts
Tea can help you stay awake. This is because it contains caffeine, which stops you sleeping. Many people also believe that it has health benefits. For example, tea is good for your heart and may help prevent you getting cancer.

Tea today
Tea is grown in many countries around the world, including China, India and Kenya. Today it is one of the most popular drinks worldwide – only water is more popular. Iced tea is a popular summer drink in the United States, where it is usually served with ice and sugar and often flavoured with fruit. Tea is still very important in many countries as part of a social ceremony.

3. Missing words.

Drag the words to complete the paragraphs.


4. Text reconstruction.

Choose the correct option to reconstruct the third paragraph.

5. Text reconstruction.

Choose the correct option to reconstruct the last paragraph.

6. Vocabulary: Coffee.

In the next exercise you will write about how coffee is produced. You will need to use these words. Match the words to the pictures.

7. Passive forms.

To describe a process we usually use passive verb forms. For example:

People drink tea all over the world.       (present simple active)
Tea is drunk all over the world.             (present simple passive)

The passive form consists of the auxiliary verb be + the past participle of the verb.

Read the first sentence, and then write in the missing words to complete the second sentence, the passive sentence.

8. Write.

Write a similar text to the one in exercise 1 about coffee. Use the pictures and information below to write your description. Write about 100 words.

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