In this section you practise taking a medical history, and summarising a chief complaint.

1. Vocabulary review: Injuries and body reactions.

Choose the correct word for each picture. Listen and practise the pronunciation of the words.

2. Vocabulary and pronunciation.

Listen and choose the missing word that goes in the space where you hear the beep.
Then listen again and practise saying the sentences.

You can see the written sentences here.

Now listen again and repeat the sentences.

3. Common medical abbreviations.

Do you know what these common medical abbreviations stand for? Type in the missing words.

4. Listening: Taking medical histories.

Listen to four extracts of medical histories that are being taken. Choose the best options to complete the summary of each extract.

See the transcript of this extract.



See the transcript of this extract.



See the transcript of this extract.



See the transcript of this extract.

5. Medical history taking.

Listen again to one of the extracts you listened to in the previous exercise and choose the correct options to complete the notes.

6. Asking appropriate questions.

During the consultation in the previous exercise, the doctor asks the patient a lot of questions. Choose the most appropriate question in each group and then listen to the question and answer from the consultation.

7. Missing words.

Do you remember the sentences and questions from the previous exercise? Type the missing words. Then listen and repeat each sentence or question.

8. Details of a chief complaint.

Watch the video of one of the consultations you listened to in the previous exercises. After watching the video, choose the correct options to complete the nurse practitioner’s summary of the complaint.

9. Prompting the patient.

Throughout the consultation in the previous exercise, the nurse practitioner prompts the patient for information. Put the prompts in the order that you think they are said.

10. Prompting the patient.

Can you remember? Type in the missing words to complete sentences from the previous exercise. (Clue: You can click on each space to see the first letter of the missing word.)

11. Choosing the best words.

Read and complete the nurse practitioner’s summary by choosing the best word for each gap.

12. Phrasal verb practice.

Match the definitions to the phrasal verbs in bold in each sentence.

13. Phrasal verb practice.

Can you remember the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise? Type the missing words in the spaces. (The definitions are in brackets.)

14. Vocabulary: Adjectives.

Look at the examples from the video. Match the two parts.

The pain seems to be worse.
It’s just kind of a throbbing pain.

Speaking Tutorial 1 (Talk about your work and practise asking questions.)

In this tutorial your tutor will play the role of a patient and you will interview him or her and take a medical history. Remember to do the following:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Ask what name the patient prefers to be called and explain what you are about to do
  • Ask about a chief complaint
  • Prompt the patient for detailed information
  • Respond to what the patient says
  • Address what the patient thinks is wrong with them and what they are expecting
  • Repeat back the important points so that the patient can correct you if there are any misunderstandings.