1. Signs and instructions.

Match the signs to the sentences.

2. Signs and instructions.

Can you remember? Type in the missing letters to complete the words on the signs.

3. Obligation, no obligation, prohibition and permission.

The following sentences are from a list of rules for library users. Is each sentence expressing obligation, no obligation, prohibition or permission?

4. Practice.

You have to do it.  /  You need to do it.  /  You must do it.

No obligation
You don't have to do it.  /  There is no need to do it.

You mustn't do it.  /  You are not to do it.

You are allowed to do it.  /  You may do it.  /  You can do it.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences and express the function in brackets.

5. Problems.

Listen to six different situations. What is the problem about in each situation?

Listen again and read the transcript.

6. Problems.

Read about problems with a printer. Choose the best definition for the underlined words.

This printer isn't working properly. It won't print long documents. The pages get stuck and it damages them. Also, it's running out of toner and I don't know how to change the cartridge.

7. Problems.

Can you remember? Use the phrases to complete the text from the previous exercise.

8. Problems.

Match the two parts to complete sentences about more problems.

9. Problems.

Can you remember? Match the two parts to say more about the different problems.

Listen again and repeat the sentences.

10. Review.

Review what you have studied in this section. Do the crossword.








11. Speaking Tutorial 2.

Send your tutor an email suggesting a day and time for the speaking tutorial.

During the tutorial you will do a role play. Follow the instructions below.

  • You work in a library. Look at the table of rules below. Explain the rules to a new library user (your tutor).

Library rules

Obligation No obligation Prohibition Permission

Return materials on time




Use photocopiers for copying library material




Pay a fee




Use computers on this floor




Be registered to borrow material




Use the library WiFi




Remove magazines from the library




  • Your tutor (a library user) will tell you about different problems. Give him or her possible solutions to these problems.
Problems that a user might mention
  • the user has lost his/her library card
  • the user has lost a book from the library
  • the user has a problem with one of the computers
  • the user wants to copy some of his/her notes using a library photocopier

Useful phrases for the speaking tutorial:
Hello, this is ....
Can I speak to ..., please?
Hello ..., this is .... I'm calling to do Speaking Tutorial 2 of the Dealing with the Public module