A: Multiple choice with pictures.

In this group of exercises you will review the multiple choice with pictures task type.


In the listening subtest you may be asked to listen to a text and then distinguish between different drawings, diagrams or maps. Before listening, you are given time to look at the questions. It is important that you use this time to make predictions from the information that you are given; this will help you to listen in a focused way.

1. Key words.

Look at the pictures below. What words are needed to describe them? These are called key words. Select key words for each picture.

2. Similarities and differences.

You need to focus on the similarities and differences between the pictures, so that when you listen you are able to quickly select or eliminate pictures. Try to imagine what you might hear and how this will help you.

Look at the sentences below. Which pictures could they be describing? Tick the boxes.


3. Now listen.

Now listen. Which picture is described?

Now listen again and read the transcript.

4. Similarities and differences.

Look at the four pictures and focus on the similarities and the differences between them.


Which picture or pictures (A, B, C or D) would the following sentences allow you to eliminate?

5. Now listen.

Now listen and answer the following questions.


Now listen again and read the transcript.

B: Note completion.

In this group of exercises you will review the note completion task type.


As mentioned previously, listening and making notes will be easier if you first predict what kind of information you are listening for. The following exercises provide practice in predicting answers.

1. Before you listen.

As mentioned in previous sections, listening and making notes will be easier if you first predict what kind of information you are listening for. Look at the information in the table. Select the most likely answers from the options.

Now listen and check your answers in the table.

2. Listen again.

Now listen again and complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Now listen again and read the transcript.