1. Past tense verbs.

Here are some of the verbs from the text about Bill. Can you put them into two boxes?

2. Past tense: Regular verbs.

Change the verbs in red into the past tense.

3. Past tense: Irregular verbs.

Match the infinitive and the past tense of these verbs.

4. Pronunciation: Infinitive and past of irregular verbs.

Listen to, repeat and record the infinitive and past of each verb.

Can you remember? Write the missing words to complete the table.

Now listen to the verbs, and practise saying them.

5. Past tense.

Complete the text by changing the verbs in red into the correct form.

6. Past tense: Negatives.

Bill has a friend called Bruce. Bill is lucky, but Bruce isn't very lucky. Write sentences about Bruce.

For example:

Bill won a car. Bruce didn't win a car.

7. Find the mistakes.

Select the words that are not correct.

8. Verbs: Present or past?

Use the words to complete the first part of the story. Drag the words to the gap, or you can click the word and then click the gap. Scroll down to see the second part. 

Now complete the second part of the story.

9. So + adjective + that.

He was so fine that he wanted to work again.

Match the two halves of the sentences. This exercise is in two parts. Scroll down to see Part 2.

Part 1

Now complete Part 2.

Part 2

10. Can you remember?

How good is your memory? Complete the first part of each sentence from exercise 9.

For more information about so + adjective + that go to the Grammar Reference.