1. A tutorial discussion.

Watch two similar videos, and then answer the question below.

What is the difference between the two versions?

2. A tutorial discussion.

Use the phrases to complete the transcript of the second video from the previous exercise.

3. A tutorial discussion.

Now put the sentences in order to complete part of the transcript of the video.

Listen again and read the transcript. Practise reading the transcript fluently. If you have a recording tool, record yourself and then listen back to the recording. How can your delivery be improved?.

4. Question tag review.

The speaker in the previous exercise uses a lot of question tags to draw the listeners in to what is being said. Read more examples and choose the correct option to complete the question tags.

5. Question tag review.

Can you remember the examples from the previous exercise? Read and record each sentence, including the missing question tag.

5. Practise saying question tags.

Can you remember the question tags? Type in the missing words. Then practise saying the sentences. Pay particular attention to the intonation of the question tags.

6. Employing humour.

Employing humour is another effective way of engaging an audience. An audience relaxes and becomes more open when they have the opportunity to laugh together. Humour is used throughout Ken Robinson's TED talk.

Can you predict where the audience laughs in the following extracts of Ken Robinsion's talk? Mark the places where you think the audience laughs by selecting the last word before the laughter.

7. Employing humour.

Choose the most humorous option for the extracts from the talk.

If you like, you can read the complete transcript of the talk.