1. What do you remember?

In Vocabulary exercises 3 and 4, you completed a text about education systems. Read the text again and find similarities and differences between what is described and the systems where you live. Write a paragraph outlining these differences. Write between 150 and 200 words.

Post your sentences in the Proficiency Forum. Read and comment on what other students write.

2. Generalising and contrasting.

Sort the expressions into three groups.

3. Generalising and contrasting.

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option.

4. Adding and summarising.

Sort the expressions into two groups.

5. Adding and summarising.

Complete the sentences by typing one word in each space.

6. Write.

Choose one of the two alternatives.

Alternative 1 – Advantages and disadvantages
Choose one of the following topics and write a short report outlining the advantages and disadvantages, and summarising your point of view.

  • single-sex vs. coeducational schools
  • formal examinations vs. continuous assessment and project work
  • a fixed syllabus of the core subjects: maths, science, language vs. a more flexible syllabus
  • rote learning vs. experiential learning
  • education now vs. education 50 years ago

Try to incorporate the language that you have focused on in this section. For example:

Generalising: as a rule, by and large, generally speaking, in general, in most cases, in principle, on the whole, to a great extent
Contrasting: but, however, on the other hand, whereas, while
Emphasising contrast: in spite of this, mind you, still, yet
Adding: besides, in addition, in any case, moreover, on top of that, what's more
Summarising: all in all, in conclusion, in short, to sum up

Write no more than 300 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before posting it in the Forum.

Alternative 2 – Pros and cons
Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of one of the following topics, or of one of your own choice:

  • flexi-time vs. a fixed timetable
  • working from home vs. working in an office
  • working in a team vs. working alone
  • online learning vs. face-to-face classes
  • your own educational experiences vs. an ideal education

(This essay will be useful for you to refer to during the Speaking Tutorial, which follows.)

Write approximately 300 words. Use language that you have focused on in this unit, as outlined in Alternative 1, above. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before posting it in the Forum.

1. Post your tasks in the Proficiency Forum..

2. Go to the Proficiency Forum. Read and comment on what other students write.

7. Write and reply.


1. Answer one or more of the questions below. Post your answers in the Proficiency Forum.

What did you like about your education?
What didn’t you like about it?
What didn’t you do that you would have liked to have done?
How do you think your education prepared you for what you are doing now?
What have the key moments in your education been, up to now?

2. Go the Proficiency Forum. Read some of the other students’ messages. Choose a message. Click on "Write a reply" and leave a comment or ask a question.